Extend the Life of Your HVAC System

Arrange for HVAC maintenance services in Ringgold, GA

There are several factors that can cause your heating and cooling system to break down, but there's one simple solution to all your HVAC issues: C&C HVAC. We provide HVAC maintenance services to homeowners in the Ringgold, GA area. Our technicians can inspect your HVAC system twice a year to help prevent minor issues from snowballing into major problems.

You can trust us to keep your HVAC system working at maximum efficiency. Call today to sign up for an HVAC maintenance program.

What to expect from your maintenance checkups

C&C HVAC offers HVAC maintenance services in Ringgold, GA and surrounding areas. During your maintenance checkup, our technicians will:

  • Clean the exterior of your HVAC system
  • Inspect cleaning valves, compressor and coils
  • Test electrical connections
  • Calibrate the thermostat
  • Replace dirty filters
  • Adjust fan belts

Reach out right away to learn more about our HVAC maintenance program. We’ll be happy to answer any questions.